Course Description

A Course For Men And Women


For the very first time in the history of humankind, we are all at a critical moment in deciding the planetary future. In this present crisis lays the greatest opportunity for a deeper understanding of our true nature. Our spiritual quest can determine important actions toward the evolution and survival of all future generations.  


This crisis imminently demands the need to align our ways of life with this important opportunity. Therefore, let us work to sustain the core values that affirm our symbiotic alliance with the sacredness of nature and the elements that sustain us. The critical urgency of avoiding a climate disaster and the world’s state of affairs summons everyone to willfully adapt.  


Adaptability being our primary value for mother nature to entrust us with the custody of her planet. It is through our ability to feel, to connect, to create, and communicate with life and other species that we can restore the balance of life. Let us rethink the way we relate to all and learn to trust and surrender to this Sacred Design, that what we call the Great Mystery. 


Objectives of the course

This course intends to help us walk and see our lives in a sacred way and understand that we are in a ‘Sacred Design’. It is a path that has been laid out for us to walk our lives upon with beauty and honor and with care and magic. This path has always been there and it is only when we walk our life in a sacred way; from the heart that the path opens up effortlessly for us to have all our relations harmoniously aligned where health and abundance flourish. We find in this sacred path that life flows generously and offers everything we need, to be all we can possibly be at the right place and time with the right people and resources.  

The dark and light, the day and the night, the positive and negative, the Earth and the Sun. It is all designed in our flesh, in our hearts, in our path, and to be fulfilled and understood from a perspective of Love. By remembering that we were born through this ‘Sacred Design’, we remember that life is to walk within your spiritual capacity, thereby cultivating love.  

In this way, through the masculine and the feminine manifestation, we find the perfection of spirit in the Sacred Design. It is a dance, the beauty that brings life to this planet and hope into our future and family. We are born to feed from this wisdom and display our spiritual growth as we relate to one another.  Love was shared at the source of our history by our father and mother. Our own body and cells have that memory and intelligence embedded deep within us. 

The process of adaptation starts within us by understanding and walking on the Sacred Design conjuring restoration. Our process of reconciliation and adaptation with the Earth starts by us being able to hold ourselves and All our Relations in a Sacred Way.  We respect one another and support our spiritual growths, understanding that the universe embodies the feminine as the Earth and the masculine as the Sun.

This course will bring forth the importance to restore our Sacred Relations to be aligned with spirit and the purpose of our lives; love, freedom, and happiness. We would explore and guide you through talks practices, rituals, and ways to bring harmony to cultivate and attract healthy relations in your lives. We will immerse ourselves within perspectives of ancient knowledge and explore tools and techniques that assist us to walk the Sacred Design of Life positively with heart and grace. We will assist and orientate the masculine and feminine and their complementary roles to walk the Sacred Design as it was intended with joy, peace, and harmony. 



Our path is written in our hearts, 

Love becomes our guide that bridges our relations. 



This five week online course is designed to assist and align those who are called to join and be in heightened ceremonial awareness for the course duration. This course will assist in revealing the clarity from within and aid you in harnessing your strength. 

For many, this course will engage you with what spirit signifies in your life.  

 Weekly 60 Minute pre videos will be geared toward a theme, and its aspects in the daily spiritual and vocational aspects of our life. Interwoven with the rights and rituals of the ancient/modern, earth-based wisdom/ indigenous based wisdom from North and South America, Vedic and African traditions in the form of thought, prayer, and action. Weekly reading materials and homework assignments will be suggested.  


A Live Video chat will be scheduled for all members to ask questions if they care to join weekly.  

In addition, two Zoom Meetings will be held during the course, hosting rituals and opening space for participants sharing to participate. 


This course will activate your psyche, and your dream state and inspire you to share with others on a similar path. It will purge the old and implement the new. We will speak about basic maintenance, alters, and ritualistic observations. We will speak about sacred technologies, the elements, sacred thought, of walking your path and calling in the magic of life. Ancestral healing is the overall bridge into the future, for which we will do rituals of gratefulness and resolution. 

This course goes as deep as you allow it. Nando and Kathi will be available for private consultations, assisting individuals in the deeper process. 


Cost: 550 CHF

Time required each week:

1 hour of video viewing (6 x 10minute segments) and 30 minutes to 1 hour of reading.

 1 hour of altar building, and cleansing rituals throughout the week. 


This course is for everybody. 

For those who are in a couple, it will give the insight to maintain, protect, and clean one's couple. 

For those who are not in a couple; It will invigorate hope and assist in opening up your hearts, enrich and walk in that beauty of life, and entertain the possibilities of a loving sacred partnership. 


Taught by Hernando Villa and Kathi von Koerber 

Hernando Villa

Hernando Villa is originally from Colombia.

For the last 30 years, he has dedicated his life to the healing of the earth through the wisdom of the indigenous tradition of the Americas. Nando comes from the land of the Quimbaya Nation, thought to have vanished in Colombia. He was exposed to the knowledge of tribes from the Amazon such as Kofanes, Camsras, Sionas, Kaxinawas, and Koguis y Arahuacos, and in the north of the Americas, he was adopted by the seventh church of the Lakota Nation.

He has a background in political science and social environment and was participating for 10 years as an environmental counselor of the regional environmental corporation in Pereira, Colombia, representing the non-governmental organizations protecting the land and people.

For 15 years he was the director of RAICES, a social and environmental NGO bringing practices and methodologies to local communities to organize and use their potential to overcome their own challenges.

Now he is working on a Project called ARKA de la Tierra, which objective is to revive techniques and practices to preserve the land and natural resources.

Taught by

Kathi Von Koerber

Kathi Von Koerber is a dancer/healer and filmmaker from Germany/South Africa. She has spent time with elders from Bushmen tribes in southern Africa, the Tuareg in the Sahara, Gabonese Eboga priestess Bernadette Rebienot, Lakota, Navajo, and Cherokee in the United States, Xawante and Fulnio in Brazil, and the Camsra and Kogi in Colombia. Kathi has taught and performed dance internationally for the last 15 years and has designated her life to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and advocating rituals as a key element in human evolution and initiation into adulthood.

Kathi honors the voice of the grandmother. She supports the prayers of women and her ancient voices through the tools and means of praying with the elements, the earth and its food, the fire and its transformation, the water and its purifying power, and the air through which we walk our dance of life.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction: Awakening To The Sacred

    • Introduction: Awakening Means Taking Responsibility

    • Ancestral Knowledge

    • Order Of The World We Live In

    • The Worthiness Of The Feminine, Of All Women, Of Mother Earth

    • True Adaptation: Reflect, Empty And Heal

    • Awakening

    • Homework

    • Recognizing Sacred Designs

    • Photos

    • Alter

    • Offering

    • Necklace

    • Recommended Reading: The Story of Changing Woman

    • Recommended Reading: Navajo Indian Sand Paintings Designs and Medicine Wheels Design

  • 2


    • Breath Meditation

    • Flute Meditation

    • The body as the Earth - Air

    • Breath, an alliance with Sprit

    • Order and Thought

    • Balance of Polarities

    • Visibilization

    • Decontamination - The right to be happy

    • Homework

    • Cotton Cleansing

    • Alter Work

    • The Function of art and design

    • Recommended viewing of the week

  • 3


    • Thought of Feminine-Masculine Complement

    • Functioning Design of Water

    • Responding The Call Of Creator

    • We Are Spirits

    • Healing The Masculine And Feminine In Our Own Story

    • Protecting Our Water, The Feminine

    • Spirit Our Mentor

    • Homework

    • Inspirations of the Feminine and Masculine Designs

    • Recommended Reading

  • 4


    • Taking Responsibility

    • Healing And Health

    • Cycle Of Life

    • Healing Is Connection

    • Initiation

    • Homework

    • Fire Making, Initiation

    • Ritual With The Fire

    • Alter

    • Liver Purification

    • Suggested Viewing

  • 5


    • Remembering

    • Wilderness Re-Coding Us

    • Resolutions That Feed The Future.

    • Values; Affirming Connection With Spirit

    • Homework 1

    • Homework 2

    • Homework 3