Course Description

Many of us are looking for answers, questioning our role in the world, and overwhelmed with feelings of concern, confusion, and even frustration as we face mounting challenges globally, economically, and even spiritually. Times are tough.

This is a spiritual battle as much as it is a social and economic one, and as long as we proceed with the utmost care, caution, and intentionality, we will all make it through stronger in the end.

One way to address the challenges may be by building spiritual readiness.

Spirituality as a sense of connection that gives meaning and purpose to a person's life. 

Spirituality is that aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning, purpose, and values in their lives. It assists in defining purpose and experiencing connection to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significance of why and what we do. During difficult times, spirituality is a source of strength, hope, and faith to assist in making things sacred, understanding that there is no coincidence.

This crisis silently offers us an opportunity to reflect on the spiritual impact it has on the world and our communities. In this broad sense, the spiritual impact is currently not unequivocally positive; however, we are convinced that in the end, humanity, as a whole, can take a spiritual leap forward.

Thus within our crisis lays the greatest opportunity for a deeper understanding of our true Nature and our spiritual quest and evolution here on Mother Earth. The crisis demands the need for the earth's restoration and is an opportunity for us earth citizens, to unite as one with our core human values in search of prompt solutions and a deeper connection with spirit. 

It is important to revive and reveal the story of who we really are as men, in order for our future to make more sense. This way by recapitulating our life story, we have the opportunity to make our story from here on our own, and that will give more value to life. ‘Sacred Life, Living Earth’ is a course compiled of talks, practices, and rituals that enable you to build your spiritual path and readiness and to see your potential and spiritual task more clearly. As men, we need to invoke disciplined use of tools, harness our force, and manage our connection with the earth in a more holistic way. From the perspective of indigenous wisdom especially from the Americas, and with the cosmology of the tribes of the earth we see our environmental, economical, and social crisis as a grand opportunity to heal from within and heal our spiritual connection with the earth.

The earth speaks clearly and the water reflects who we are at our origin. Water, fire, air, and earth, are all the essence of who we are. Yet still, this fundamental law has not been digested enough for all us humans to truly integrate it into our own reality and educational system. We will practice this over the next 5 weeks.

During the course ‘Sacred Life, Living Earth’ you will be guided through talks, practices, and thought processes that enable you to strengthen your spiritual path and spiritual readiness. As a man, you will see your potential task and force more clearly. We will immerse ourselves within the perspective of ancient knowledge and explore tools and techniques that assist us to build our spiritual path in these times and walk positively with heart and grace. We will assist and orientate the wild man in the 21st century. His role as a warrior, leader of his clan, and more importantly lead himself. This course is about self-care and strengthening your core values. 

Objectives Of The Course

To inspire and assist in expanding our capacity to transform and open up to spirit.

The course will help connect you with nature and its forces, giving deeper purpose to life and exponential possibilities to be healthier, joyful, and abundant.

During this course, we will explore practices and techniques that will help us to connect to Nature and feed our relationship with the earth.

With ancient techniques such as energetic polarity work, we will practice self-care and orientating our spirit accordingly, thereby maintaining a healthy balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

We will gain a deeper understanding of how we are a channel, and how to navigate our capacity. First preparing and then activating our being/channel to read and feel the earth. Through this practice, our own behaviors, thoughts, and well-being will give us insights into how our channel was always working but necessarily with conscious navigation. Living and Learning is an integral aspect of this course. We will explore tools and techniques that will assist you to strengthen your spiritual path and vocation to walk with your heart confidently. 

Through thoughtful self-observation and nature-earth study, we will feel spirit more in our every day. With the strength of spirit and awareness of the moment, we as men can assume our role truly on Mother Earth.

Minimum Time Required Each Week

  • 1 hour of Video Viewing
  • 1 hour of Homework Reading
  • 1 hour of Altar Building and Prayer Work


Hernando Villa

Hernando Villa is originally from Colombia.

For the last 30 years, he has dedicated his life to the healing of the earth through the wisdom of the indigenous tradition of the Americas. Nando comes from the land of the Quimbaya Nation, thought to have vanished in Colombia. He was exposed to the knowledge of tribes from the Amazon such as Kofanes, Camsras, Sionas, Kaxinawas, and Koguis y Arahuacos, and in the north of the Americas, he was adopted by the seventh church of the Lakota Nation.

He has a background in political science and social environment and was participating for 10 years as an environmental counselor of the regional environmental corporation in Pereira, Colombia, representing the non-governmental organizations protecting the land and people.

For 15 years he was the director of RAICES, a social and environmental NGO bringing practices and methodologies to local communities to organize and use their potential to overcome their own challenges.

Now he is working on a Project called ARKA de la Tierra, which objective is to revive techniques and practices to preserve the land and natural resources.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week #1 - Thought the Origen

    • Overview

    • Men are Spiritual Beings

    • Video 1

    • Identifying your thread

    • Video 2

    • Crystal: Language and Tool of the Earth

    • Video 3

    • Opening the Heart

    • Video 4

    • Spiritual Laws

    • Video 5

    • Walking a spiritual path: Our Humanness

    • Video 6

    • Recap

    • HOMEWORK: Thought the Origin, by Nando

    • HOMEWORK: Right or Left Brain

    • HOMEWORK: Crystal Power Readings

    • Journal

    • HOMEWORK: Ritual Exercises - Working with an amethyst stone

    • HOMEWORK: Ritual Exercise - Ordering your Home

    • HOMEWORK: Fire Making

    • Health Assessment

  • 2

    Week #2 - Nature is Speaking to You

    • Nature speaks, get ready.

    • Aligning your mission: How to evaluate your thoughts

    • Video 1

    • Orientation

    • Video 2

    • Abstaining to Reprogram

    • Video 3

    • Listen to your healing

    • Video 4

    • Law of cleansing

    • Video 5

    •  Web of life

    • Video 6

    • HOMEWORK: Reading written by Hernando Villa

    • HOMEWORK: Take the following pictures

    • HOMEWORK: Negative Cleansing Exercise

    • Video: Cotton Cleansing

    • HOMEWORK: Exercise

    • HOMEWORK: Organs Reading

    • HOMEWORK: Exercise

    • HOMEWORK: Detox Recipe

    • HOMEWORK: Reading - Medicine Wheel

    • HOMEWORK: Reading - Message from Hopi Elders

    • Video: Fire Making

    • Video: Prayer Song

  • 3

    Week #3 - Balancing Spirit in Your Life

    • Overview

    • Cultivating spirit

    • Video 1

    • Each Organ has its own nature

    • Video 2

    • Presenting ourselves

    • Video 3

    • Becoming Real

    • Video 4

    • Nature is my Support

    • Video 5

    • Witness your truth

    • Video 6

    • Channel Creatively

    • Video 7


    • HOMEWORK: Body Map



    • Drumming Sunset Meditation

  • 4

    Week #4 - Taking spiritual Responsibility

    • Overview

    • Overview Week 4 Audio

    • Sacredness

    • Video 1

    • Attracting what you need

    • Video 2

    • Learning by living

    • Video 3

    • Integration

    • Video 4

    • Sexuality

    • Video 5

    • Self-declarations

    • Video 6

    • The Ritual of Returning ‘Home’

    • Video 7

    • HOMEWORK: Integration

    • HOMEWORK: Self reflection

    • HOMEWORK: Fire building Week 4

    • HOMEWORK: Alter work

    • HOMEWORK: Viewing

    • HOMEWORK: Meditation and Treatments

  • 5

    Week #5 - Resolution: Ordain your Future

    • Overview

    • Life is the every day ceremony

    • Video 1

    • Law of attraction; balance

    • Video 2

    • Spiritual retribution

    • Video 3

    • My body is a prayer

    • Video 4

    • Attributes of spiritual payments

    • Video 5

    • True resolutions

    • Video 6

    • HOMEWORK: Reading

    • HOMEWORK: Make positive payments

    • HOMEWORK: Video

    • HOMEWORK: The Path of the Heart

    • HOMEWORK: Intentions


    • HOMEWORK: Charts