Intuitive Earth Wisdom In Me
A Five-Week Course For Women
This course awakens and engages the mother in you. Through our Intuitive Feminine Wisdom (as covered in the first course) we deepen our perspective in receiving the blessings to our feminine vessel. Every woman will benefit through connecting deeper to the mother in you.
Our Life is a span of time to receive the vast blessings of Mother Earth.
During our lives, we face seemingly incredible hardships that also become the milestones of our journey on earth. On the one hand like rites of passage, but also moments where the law of balance and harmony ask of us and of our willingness to give whatever it takes in life to be in the path of symbiotic and sacred equilibrium with mother nature.
We share life through our body with spirit. Become receptive to the journey and its challenges when we are born. This life has many tests and challenges. That’s what life is.
Life is something to understand, healing since we are born, always teaching us something.
In most cultures, women receive tools when they transform from adolescence to womanhood and then onwards to the wise woman.
To assist the transitions, there are many levels of initiation within womanhood to support holding and grounding one’s equilibrium. The tools of sacred initiation help connect us with the sun and moon, the sacred hoop of life, help us remember, that we come from the sacred circle, the womb of the mother.
Women are very sacred, manifestations of spirit.
In this course, we cover how we need to take care of and maintain ourselves internally/ spiritually.
To care for the inside can be challenging when too much focus is on the outer appearance/ outside.
We can dress ourselves up, and we can try to alter our bodies, but the essential key to sustaining health and joy resides on the inside where we need spiritual tools and guidance to channel heaven and earth.
A video will be released each week along with peripheral reading materials and homework assignments. A Live Video chat will be scheduled for all members to ask questions if they care to join. Questions can also be asked via email throughout the week.
Each week a 60-minute video session will be geared towards a theme, and its aspects in the daily spiritual and vocational aspects of our life. Interwoven with the rights and rituals of the ancient/modern feminine, earth-based wisdom, in the form of thought, prayer, and action.
This course will reclaim more inner peace, confidence, and skills to balance your state of well-being. Your intuition and dreams will become sharpened as you awaken your psyche to listening and reading mother nature more clearly. Through this better judgment will be spawned to align with the rhythm and heartbeat of the earth and our role here on earth.
We will speak about rites of passage, alters, ritualistic observations, and themes of the modern woman. We will deepen our understanding of the “Blessings Way” and initiation into womanhood: The mother in me.
Rituals and homework assignments will be given in alignment with the new moon and full moon circle. Together we will clean, install, and make use of our home alters.
Wednesday, November 20th - Opening Orientation
Nurturing - The Mother In Me
- Live Q&A - Tuesday, November 26th, 1pm CET
Wednesday, November 27th
My Mother
- Live Q&A - Monday, December 2nd, 1pm CET
Wednesday, December 4th
Feminine Value - My Mother
- Live Q&A - Tuesday, December 10th, 1pm CET
Wednesday, December 11th
Visible Initiation
- Live Q&A - Saturday, December 14th, 1pm CET
Wednesday, December 18th
Blessing Way
- Live Q&A - Monday, December 23rd, 1pm CET
* Please note the schedule varies during certain weeks of the course.
The course includes access to all 5 sessions, Live Q&A, group chat platform, homework rituals, music, and additional reading material.
Kathi Von Koerber
Kathi Von Koerber is a dancer/healer and filmmaker from Germany/South Africa. She has spent time with elders from Bushmen tribes in southern Africa, the Tuareg in the Sahara, Gabonese Eboga priestess Bernadette Rebienot, Lakota, Navajo, and Cherokee in the United States, Xawante and Fulnio in Brazil, and the Camsra and Kogi in Colombia. Kathi has taught and performed dance internationally for the last 15 years and has designated her life to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and advocating rituals as a key element in human evolution and initiation into adulthood.
Kathi honors the voice of the grandmother. She supports the prayers of women and her ancient voices through the tools and means of praying with the elements, the earth and its food, the fire and its transformation, the water and its purifying power, and the air through which we walk our dance of life.
WEEK #1 - Nurturing: The Mother In Me
Video 1 - Nurture
Video 2 - Matriarchy
Video 3 - Earth
Video 4 - Repair
Video 5 - Feminine
Video 6 - The Blessing Way
Homework Part 1
Homework Part 2
Homework Part 3
Homework Part 4
Homework Part 5
WEEK #2 - My Mother
Video 1 - Gestation: Birth Of All
Video 2 - Postpartum
Video 3 - Building Of The Female Body
Video 4 - Young Womanhood
Video 5 - Speaking To The Mother
Video 6 - Life: Soften The Journey Through Gratitude
Homework - Suggested Reading
Homework - Grada Kilomba’s Ritual Healing Installation - Offering
Homework Part 1
Homework Part 2
Homework Part 3
Homework Part 4
WEEK #3 - Feminine Value
Video 1 - Essence of Values
Video 2 - Value The Passive
Video 3 - Care For All Life
Video 4 - Slowing Down Securing The Values
Video 5 - Deeper Value, Evaluate
Video 6 - Daughter, Mother, Bridge
Homework Part 1
Homework Part 2
Homework Part 3
Homework Part 4
WEEK #4 - Visible Initiation
Video 1 - Juvenile
Video 2 - Alliance
Video 3 - Initiation
Video 4 - Recognizing the Juvenile
Video 5 - Healing Trauma
Video 6 - Saying Goodbye, Ritual Of Welcoming
Homework Part 1
Homework Part 2
Homework Part 3
Homework Part 4
Homework Part 5
Suggested Reading
WEEK #5 - Blessing Way
Video 1 - Not Knowing Is The Guide To Become Oriented
Video 2 - Feeding Your Confidence
Video 3 - Prayer Bundle
Video 4 - Law Of The Mother, Guard It!
Video 5 - Preparation To Feeding The Mother In Me
Blessing Way Prayer
Mother Song
Blessing Way - A Gifting And Giving Back To The Earth
Prayer Bundle: Can Be Done Right After Blessing Way Or The Next Day
Project Vision