Course Description

This course is a platform for women whom I have met from all around the world to deepen their channel of the Intuitive Feminine Wisdom. To help us remind ourselves of the ancestral themes that we live by.
Each 60 Minute video session will be geared towards a theme, and its aspects in the daily spiritual and vocational aspects of our life. Interwoven with the rights and rituals of the ancient/modern feminine, earth-based wisdom, in the form of thought, prayer, and action.

A video will be released each week along with peripheral reading materials and homework assignments. A Live Video chat will be scheduled for all members to ask questions if they care to join. Questions can also be asked via email throughout the week.
This course will activate your psyche, and your dream state and inspire you to share with other women on a similar path. Through this creativity will be spawned and our intuitive psyche activated to align and orient ourselves with the rhythm and heartbeat of the earth and our role here on earth.
We will speak about basic maintenance, alters, ritualistic observations, and themes of the modern woman. Touching upon the art of incorporating the Yin sweetness, cleansing of our bodies, and self-determination of our souls, Ayurvedic perspectives of self-care, cleansing, and maintenance. Rituals and homework assignments will be given in alignment with the new moon and full moon circle. Together we will clean, install, and make use of our home alters.


Nelya Binder

This course has helped me connect to my feminine and to my waters and moon. To learn the unique ways that we connect to Spirit as a women. I know understand that throughout my life I have let the masculine overpower. I was never guided by elders or grandmothers in these ways but always craved it under the masculine layers that society imposed on me. The altar now serves as my teacher, too. Interestingly, as I went through this course, my mom "felt" the effects herself too in the connection to her own sacred feminine - something she has never done as she grew up in a strict Soviet society.

Pooja Munshi

So much deeper connection to spirit through this course. It feels like the dust from my glasses has been removed and I can see, feel spirit clearly now, even through the sickness. The dreams are super vivid.

Dorothea Derakhchan

I feel such a shift in my being guided and supported by spirit and being part of a bigger plan, a mind-and heart-shift in the business world. (I work as a leadership coach and work with big consulting firms) This course supported me a lot!

Sarah Julier

Although I've done this course before, this time I made a commitment to go all in, and give it 100%. Wow! It's hard to put into words how profound the healing has been. The course has been an initiation, a pilgrimage; an awakening in a more authentic way to my own sacredness and connection to the earth and to spirit. Thank you Kathi for generously sharing all this wisdom. What a privilege it is to learn from you.

Shannon Kelly

I feel rooted by this work , grounded that I have an active alter. I like using rice and corn and making alters in that way. I like having the active alter and my daughter seeing my alter in my room and respecting it. I like to wake up and light sage and talk to the alter for a moment and the same in the evening. Its grounding and helps keep my energy in my body and heart and to feel humble. It feels good to work the muscle of making time for alter work and making offerings outside, to build that sense of necessity to do this. I feel supported by this group and sharing about challenges and hearing of other peoples dreams and challenges is enriching and always my biggest take away from Kathi is don't take things so personally haha ;) always a good thing to remember.

Our intuitive inner altar resides within our channel, like a staff of light between heaven and earth there is a lake. This lake our womb, is where the magic takes place. We capture life, earth, and water, creating thought, and divinity, like a crystal, compression, light-holding magic.


Taught by

Kathi Von Koerber

Kathi Von Koerber is a dancer/healer and filmmaker from Germany/South Africa. She has spent time with elders from Bushmen tribes in southern Africa, the Tuareg in the Sahara, Gabonese Eboga priestess Bernadette Rebienot, Lakota, Navajo, and Cherokee in the United States, Xawante and Fulnio in Brazil, and the Camsra and Kogi in Colombia. Kathi has taught and performed dance internationally for the last 15 years and has designated her life to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and advocating rituals as a key element in human evolution and initiation into adulthood.

Kathi honors the voice of the grandmother. She supports the prayers of women and her ancient voices through the tools and means of praying with the elements, the earth and its food, the fire and its transformation, the water and its purifying power, and the air through which we walk our dance of life.


Sunday, August 25th
Opening Orientation
Welcoming Spirit Into Our Body And Home

- Live Q&A Tuesday August 27th at 2pm CET

Sunday, September 1st
Inspiration Of The Present, Observation And Maintenance
- Live Q&A Wednesday September 4th at 2pm CET

SundaySeptember 8th
Manifestations Of Spirit
- Live Q&A Wednesday September 11th at 2pm CET

SundaySeptember 15th
Feminine Rituals And Initiation
- Live Q&A Wednesday September 18th at 2pm CET

Sunday, September 22nd
Remembering And Priorities
- Live Q&A Thursday September 26th at 2pm CET

The course includes access to all 5 sessions, Live Q&A, group chat platform, homework rituals, music and additional reading material.

Reserve Your Spot

  • 00 Days
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Course Curriculum

  • 1

    WEEK #1 - Welcoming Spirit Into Our Body And Home

    • Overview

    • 1. Prevention

    • Prevention VIDEO

    • 2. Preparation Part 1

    • Preparation Part 1 VIDEO

    • 3. Preparation Part 2

    • Preparation Part 2 VIDEO

    • 4. Presentation

    • Presentation VIDEO

    • 5. Maintenance

    • Maintenance VIDEO

    • 6. Preservation

    • Preservation VIDEO

    • Homework

    • Recommended Reading

    • Recommended Semi Precious Stones

    • Recommended African Folklore Stories

    • Spiral Read

    • The essential package dedicated to soul care (Optional)

    • Health Assessment

    • Live Video Q&A with Kathi

  • 2

    WEEK #2 - Inspiration Of The Present, Observation And Maintenance

    • 1. The multi dimensional aspect of the female Psyche

    • VIDEO 1

    • 2. To be in the present-our lifetime

    • VIDEO 2

    • 3. Observation: Feed spirit, calling the body to ground

    • VIDEO 3

    • 4. Transform corn spiral alter / New Moon offering

    • VIDEO 4

    • 5.Maintenance: Cooking

    • VIDEO 5

    • 6. Infinity

    • VIDEO 6

    • Homework

    • Two Recipies

    • Book Recommendation

    • Prayer to Clear and Heal your Path. Read 1 to 3 times a day infront of your alter over the next week.

    • Infinity Alter Meditation Music

    • Intention setting song for Alter or New Moon offerings

    • Images for suggested dance movements and exercises

  • 3

    WEEK #3 - Manifestations Of Spirit

    • 1. What happens in 28 days energetically

    • VIDEO 1

    • 2. Sacred hoop, great circle

    • VIDEO 2

    • 3. Beauty

    • VIDEO 3

    • 4. Flowing

    • VIDEO 4

    • 5. Round

    • VIDEO 5

    • 6. Giving life

    • VIDEO 6

    • Homework

    • Reading: Infinity To Full Circle

    • Reading: Serpent Symbolism

    • Reading: Sacred Circle, Sacred Hoop of Life, Medicine Wheel

    • Reading: Balance Pre & Post Menopausal Hormones

    • Reading: Qi and Breathing Exercises.

    • Reading: Soaring Crane Qigong

    • Recommended Reading: The Highly Sensitive Person

    • Full Moon Tea Recipe

    • Water Song Dine/ Navaho by sung by Chenoa Egawa and Alex Turtle

  • 4

    WEEK #4 - Feminine Rituals And Initiation

    • 1. Full Moon Energy:

    • VIDEO 1

    • 2. Initiation

    • VIDEO 2

    • 3. Grateful

    • VIDEO 3

    • 4. Initiation and Creativity

    • VIDEO 4

    • 5. Intuition Soul Communication, Greatest Tool

    • VIDEO 5

    • 6. Imagination Power

    • VIDEO 6

    • Homework

    • Reading: The Antahkarana

    • Yemaya Songs

    • Reading: Understanding Ourselves - The Meaning and Importance of Initiation

    • Reading: Text by Roxanna Minnona on "Rites of Passage"

    • Reading: Science, Intuition and Consciousness as a Universal Field of Intelligence

    • Reading: 7 Color Aymara Flag Known As Wiphala Rainbow Flag. Spiritual Meaning.

    • Music: Rainbow Serpents langsamer

    • Recommended Reading: Women's Initiation

    • Recommended Reading: Healing Wisdom Africa, by Malidoma Some

    • SEVEN SUPERMOON recommended RITUALS and activities.

  • 5

    WEEK #5 - Remembering And Priorities.

    • 1. Getting To Know Ones Self Better

    • VIDEO 1

    • 2. Where Ever You Go Spirit Is, Where Spirit Is, You Go

    • VIDEO 2

    • 3. Spiritual Gardener

    • VIDEO 3

    • 4. Nature of Spirit Work. To Remember.

    • VIDEO 4

    • 5. Slow Down

    • VIDEO 5

    • 6. Grounding

    • VIDEO 6

    • Homework

    • Recommended Self Oil Massage

    • Turtle Medicine

    • Recommended Viewing

    • Recommended VATA Pacifying Diet

    • Turtle Song

    • Water Song

Intuitive Feminine Wisdom

A Five Week Course For Women